BUILD A CARBON FIBER SPAR Supplies needed to complete this project are listed below.
Tapered Carbon Fiber Laminate, 0.060" → 0.014" x 0.5" x 48"
Tapered Carbon Fiber Laminate, 0.030" → 0.014" x 0.5" x 48"
0.500" (12.7 mm) 2 Ft. Long Standard Carbon Fiber Rod Weight 118 grams.
Resin, West System 105-A, 1 qt.
Fast Hardener, West System 205-A, 0.44 pt.
Slow Hardener, West System 206-A, 0.44 pt.
Extra Slow Hardener, West System 209-SA, 0.66 pt.
West System Metering Pumps
300 Pump Set is designed for convenient and accurate metering of all Group Size A, B and C West System resin and hardeners. The Pump Set contains one resin pump and two hardener pumps.
The pumps are calibrated to deliver the proper working ratio. One full pump stroke of the resin pump and one full stroke of the hardener pump delivers .8 fl. oz. for the 105/205 or 105/206 combinations or .9 fl. oz for the 105/207 or 105/209 mixtures.
Reusable Mixing Sticks, 8/pkg.
8 oz. Poly Mixing Pot
1/2" Glue Brushes, 12/pkg.
Disposable Gloves, 4 pr./pkg.
18" Wrightlon Bagging Tube, 2 mil, 3 yd roll.
VB-115-18 3 yd roll
Econoweave 44, 4 oz. Breather/Bleeder Strip, 2" x 12 ft. pkg.
Teflon Coated Glass, 38", 2 yd. pkg.
Insta-Flex+ Gap Filler
Cleartoughened CA.(5-15 sec. cure) with similar qualities to our black IC-2000 but can be used in applications where you do not want the adhesive to be seen. The carbon component of the IC-2000 that gives the CA its black color also contributes to its unsurpassed strength. INSTA-FLEX is superior in strength to standard CA but a little lower in strength compared to our IC-2000. When a joint is a larger than normal gap, flexible CA's provide superior shock resistant bonds. Each bottle includes (3) extender tips.
A toughened cyanoacrylate (20-45 sec. cure) that forms superior shock resistant bonds on non-porous surfaces. The black colored CA has added flexibility for the bonding of metals, fiberglass, rubber, carbon fiber and advanced materials. For model use IC-2000 is ideal for the bonding of bulkheads, formers and servo rails to the inside of fiberglass hulls and fuselages. Setup time is 20-40 seconds, which can be accelerated with INSTA-SET. When cured, IC-2000 is pliable enough to be carved with a hobby knife. IC-2000 is the best adhesive for R/C car tires. Each bottle includes (3) extender tips.
Prices are in US dollars and subject to change without notice.